Satyam Tiwari

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Lekhny composition -06-Dec-2022


Lockdown that erected a wall that locked us inside our home. 
Lockdown a shield was built to defend us against the army attack of corona. 
Shield turned out to be a cage and for the first time our home was felt like suffocating. 
On a single sneeze and cough our room was converted to hospital and 
Room was cutout of home and isolation was mapped on the life of others. 

School , office , shopping mall, movies etc went into hiatus sleep. 
Jobs went few steps back and maintained six feet distance between us. 
Food was delicious but transportation was halted so for bread people started rumble. 
Family was together after donkey ears and people got stuck in a journey nowhere. 
Confusion and chaos bird were roaming the streets and fear demon was laughing on our face. 

Some walked twenty miles to reach their home while some lost to hunger and thirst. 
Temperature was back to normal and mother earth repaired the nature like it was yesterday. 
First time ambulance was free to roam but not free for emergency. 
And animals were ruling the jungle and the streets. 
Lockdown that halted the life and freezed the time for all while some lost something dear to them. 

Lockdown that was a solution to corona to protect from disease.
But man is a social animal and developed new mental illness while being cut out. 
Alone the man suffered a lot and negative art of emotions was suffocating a lot. 
While some found new sun as entrepreneurs while some lost in the black hole. 
The time move on a mundane job hurts a lot but stopped time and lot 
Lot of time with less of a job killed a lot and soon life and words ran dry. 
With strong determination and wil power grew of people though still lock down save lives. 
It's up to human emotions and experience what they found at the end of unending lockdown. 



17-Feb-2023 08:51 PM



Niraj Pandey

07-Dec-2022 04:20 PM



Punam verma

07-Dec-2022 08:53 AM

Very nice
